Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stikfas: Mechana Joint Repair (Part 1)

I made this tutorial awhile back to fix broken joint, specifically the yellow mechana from stikfas.

So what ya do when one of your mechana joint broke off? O_o

There's several ways for you to fix/salvage your mechana. For one, you can just use that mechana for bashing/spare parts and buy yourself a new one.  Go to a stkfas chop shop to get a replacement. Or try to find an actual way to fix it yourself, which I did.

Here's several things I did with my Mechana.

First thing that broke from him is the hip joint.

I used the long head antenna and jammed it at the b-nut(waist) of the mechana. I did a little of trimming of the ball joint--It's bigger than the original ball joint.

Then I cleaned and drilled a hole on the body of the mechana:

note: i used a screw driver to drill that hole....i don't have any drills at that time. My hand got numb lol.

I also had fun with that idea:

I made the hole a little to big, I added some tape to the peg. I manage to retain some articulation on the hip, which i'm happy about. No super glue needed ^_^

After which, my mechana is back to normal: :thumbsup:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this posting! Great idea. I was so ticked when some jerk (I wish I could say "my dumb kid brother" did it, but it was a co-worker) broke exactly this part on my Stikfas.

    I'll get right on my repair!
